The “God Hates Fags” family is at it again. No offense to
Dorothy, Toto or anyone else in the vicinity who gets that the
Phelps family is a poisonous pack of diseased feces… but honestly, Kansas… what the FUCK. Why hasn’t anyone torched their house yet?? I’m joking… I think.
I know, two wrongs don’t make a right… but when is enough finally enough, to where you settle for an even?
WHY are these people protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers? Soldiers who gave their lives for this country… whether you believe in or support the war at all, isn’t it obvious by now that it takes some serious balls to sign on for this sort of thing?? You think YOU had a bad day because you had to wait in line at the DMV or you were called in for jury duty or solicited for the latest Direct TV special during dinner? Tell that to the pimple-faced kid dragging an M16 around the desert in search of
oil Al-Qaeda. Tell it to his mother at the funeral after they hand her a folded flag.
WHY is misinterpreted religious scripture so often the justification for acts of violence and hatred and FUCKED UP SHIT??
Why isn’t anyone doing anything about
Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Freedom to have diarrhea of the mouth and spew venom in the presence of grieving widows and mothers and fathers and brothers and children. Like a homeowner who gets assaulted by a burglar they fight off in their own defense, and are subsequently sued by for “emotional and physically distress”, we are being hung by our own noose. Suffering through this ignorance and sitting idly by as inbred fuckwits wipe their asses all over our legal doctrines and sell them back to us at the arts and crafts fair as abstract art.
What about the
limitations of the laws they’re exploiting?
Or better yet… if, like me, you were absent that day year in school and couldn’t tell a doctrine from a Britney Spears record, what about just not being an asshole?? Whatever happened to that.