missing you
i know it may sound cheesy and i know it may sound cliche, but you're the first person that has taught me to miss someone. you've taught me to miss a person from the heart, not the mind.
I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid to fall for you again. I don't want to be vulnerable to you again. I know what you can do to me.
Maybe some people aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Maybe some are just passing through to teach us a lesson
Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love.
And if you really need him, fate will bring him back. It may not be soon, but he'll come back.
I keep looking for the slightest sign that you might miss what you left behind.
I'm gonna hold you for the last time, I'm gonna cry but afraid not to let it show This is the hardest way to say goodbye cause as you walk away I'm feeling so alone I don't understand, you had to leave and I'm not part of your plan, We both agreed but now I regret there are so many things I should have said.
Well, I guess that it’s typical to cling to memories you'll never get back again. And to sort through old photographs of a summer long ago, or a friend that you used to know, and you can't believe that he’s really gone. When all that's left is a fucking song.
you're not best friends because you sit together at lunch or talk on the phone, or have matching flip-flops or can recite each others wardrobe. you're bestfriends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across your face no matter how mad you are, when she cries you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. when you look her in the eyes you know theres no one you could ever trust more regardless of how many broken hearts you've had that's what it means to be best friends.
If you had it once, you can always get it back
Saying goodbye is the hardest thing to say to someone who means the world to you, especially when goodbye isn't what you want
I can't live without you with me.
Tell my mother, tell my father I've done the best I can To make them realize this is my life, I hope they understand I'm not angry, I'm just saying...sometimes goodbye is a second chance.

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