I think sometimes we just need to
tell ourselves we're over him because
we're just not ready to realize that
apart of him is going to stay in you forever.

he's the first thing I think about everyday.
How is he? Does he miss me like I miss him?
And then another day without him begins.

Do you remember when we used to talk on the phone for hours or just kill time by counting the stars before we went to sleep? Because I remember every fucking thing.

Because things change. And friends leave.
And life doesn't stop for anybody.

Someday you'll turn your radio up,
I hope it takes you back to that place.

Who knows? Maybe one day, we'll be perfect for each other.

Whoever said, "What you don't know can't hurt you" was a complete & total moron. Cause for most people I know, not knowing is the worst feeling in the world.

i'm happy for you, i really am.
i'm not jealous, or full of pain.
i don't wish for you anymore at 11:11.
i don't miss what we had, or what could've been.
my heart isn't shattered into pieces,
and i don't think about you constantly.
i no longer cry myself to sleep,
and i've learned that i don't need you.
& i've also learned that i lie, alot.

If we weren't meant to give things another try, our paths and thoughts would not keep crossing and we would not keep tripping over our feelings for each other.

Be thankful for what you have;
you’ll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don’t have,
you will never, ever have enough.

when i lost you, every step i took was a step towards nowhere, every time i spoke was words wasted, everytime i breathe its a breath i could have used to tell you i still love you

Isn't it scary thinking that if just one little thing had been different, you might not know him right now?

Don't we all hope for a boy who as we smooth our hair and tug at our clothes, will grab our hand and smile, and ask us, "Now what the heck are you trying to fix, beautiful?"

She dreamed of the day when she could leave it all behind and run away

rumors are spread in 2 seconds flat. she did this and he did that. i dont give a fuck, so go spread that

I'm going to miss the stupid little things the most.
like how when you'd hug me,
you'd make sure you would squeeze me till it hurt.
& how you would sing all my favorite songs to me,
even though you sucked.
i need you here, you dont understand.

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