And I will love him no matter what you say. You're simply too immature to understand that love does stretch for miles and miles. So you just be an immature little kid looking for love in all the wrong places, and I will be content with mine right where it is.. not all those miles away, but in my heart, and in his heart, where distance does not matter.

i do have a test today. that wasn't bullshit. it's on european socialism. i mean really, what's the point? i'm not european. i don't plan on being european. so who cares if they're socialists? they could be fascist anarchists; it still doesn't change the fact that i don't own a car. not that i condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -isms in my opinion are not good. a person shouldn't believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. i quote john lennon, "i don't believe in the beatles, i just believe in me." good point there. after all, he was the walrus. i could be the walrus. i'd still have to bum rides off people." - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

At least I'm not a liar, at least I'm not a cheat. At least I don't care what these god damn mindless people think of me.

i could name all 50 states;
48 get in the way of me being next to you

Sometimes, I wonder how different my life would be now if I
went back in time to undo one of my mistakes.
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