& you could have me in a heartbeat if you wanted to.

The saddest love is to love someone,to know that they still want you, but the circumstances don't let you have them.

I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere

And tonight will go on forever,
while we walk around this town
like we own the streets, & stay awake through summer
like we own the heat.

i keep telling myself, "he's going to break your heart,"
but a voice says, "no, he's going to heal it."

Not to go do anything, just to talk.
I miss hearing your voice every night.
I guess I just miss you making me smile.

that flickered like fireflies
when she looked at the world

how much you've put me through
I hope one day it hits you hard because
by then I’ll be completely over you.

most. He'll always be a part of my heart. It's
too hard to let go; now that's not even an option.

without wanting to, without believing it,
against our will & unable to defend ourselves.
And then we lose love exactly the same way.

and i know, we get a little crazy,
and i know we get a little loud.

you can not hate them for breaking your heart

you in again. But here you are, standing
in my arms with your lips against mine.
When did I get to be so weak for smooth talkers?

there's a line between whore and classy. i walk that line.
-Katy Perry

You got too much talent
I see you through those bloodshot eyes
There's a cure you found it
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