I don't miss you when our song comes on the radio; I long for you.
I don't think of you when someone calls me "baby"; I remember us.
I don't hope it's you when the phone rings; I pray it's you.
I don't remember those times when I see the spot where we first kissed; I cherish & miss them.

Nothing could bring a smile
to her face faster than
hearing him call her babe

in a girls life there will be 3 guys :
the 1 she loves, the 1 she hates & the 1 she cant live without .
& in the end they'll all be the same guy .

She looks at him again & remembers all the
nights on the phone, all the silly pranks;
everything about him drives her wild,
& she can't get control.

missing someone isn't about how
long it's been since you've seen
them last or the amount of time since
you've talked. it's about that verymoment when you're doing something,
and you wish that they were right
there with you.

she hugs him goodbye like its nothing,
while all she wants to do is hold on forever,
but she lets go, smiles, & walks away.

and who's just around for a while. People change, but so do you.
Sometimes for the best and sometimes for the worst.
Bad things happen, to everyone. You're not in it alone.
People lie, and some people just don't care how you feel.
Your heart beats, no matter how much pain you're in.
Everything will be okay, eventually.
There are always people in your life that just make your day,
no matter the miles. I know all about distance,
I've been dealing with it all my life.
So don't tell me it's easy - because it's not.
But it is worth it, I'd rather stay in touch with the people I love
than just drop it and forget about it.
You don't forget about the ones you love.
It doesn't work like that. Give it all you've got,
and live your life to the fullest. People would kill to be you,
have what you have, someone always has it worse off than you,
but that doesn't mean your pain doesn't count

the reason I can't get myself into another relationship.
No matter how hard I try, no matter how bad I want to..
I'm scared. I'm not scared of getting hurt, I'm scared of hurting someone else. Because I
could never love anyone, the way I loved him..

a memory of what i wanted.
of what i got.
of what i gave away.
& of what i'd do anything to get back.

& so i dug my head into to his shoulder
for the last time i would feel safe
he promised everything would be okay.
but i dont think it ever will without him here.

i'm so sick of being that naive little girl who
would do absolutely anything just to see you smile.

just because of one boy.

but im holding onto every word you said.

the one you cry to saying, "i don`t want to be alone."
i wanna know everything about you,
inside & out.
i wanna be the girl you can't live without.

Its okay to keep friendships when you dont want them, or want something more.
Its okay to cry when you're hurt, and its okay to stay mad at someone who hurt you.
Believe it or not, its always gonna be okay. Thats just how it works.
Sometimes, things dont always work out the way you want them to
and a lot of times it seems like they never will.
But its okay, thats how lifes suppose to go.
Its all about learning how to deal with the bumpy parts in the road
and waiting til they're smooth again. Its all about forgiving and forgetting.
Its all about waiting and wishing. Thats just how life is.

The impulse to put your hand out and want someone to
be there at the end of your reach. To want someone
to be close to. To want to kiss or touch even if it's wrong.
The point is you can't control these feelings.
Even if they're wrong, they're there.
They're always there.

where I haven't fought the urge
to put you back in my life.

[laughing for no reason]
stupid arguments ;; long talks
&& making fun of each other
i fell in love with you..
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