you're either in love or you're not in love.
there is no "i think"; no in between.

Your clothes should
be tight enough to
show you're a woman
but loose enough to
show you're a lady
- Marilyn Monroe

Life is an awful, ugly place to
not have a best friend.

i want to be the kind of girl
who leaves an everlasting impression.
i don't want to be the type
that you'll forget in a week.
i want to be hard to forget.
I want to have the kind of impact
on someone when they know
they'll never find anyone else
who could ever take my place.

Distance between two hearts
is not an obstacle, rather a great reminder
of just how strong true love can be.

i think part of the reason why we hold on to
something so tight is because we fear that
something so great won't happen twice.

I could've just gotten out of the car, and walked up to my house,
leaving you behind forever.
Things would've been very different if I would've done that.
But the fact was, I loved you; and it wasn't just that I loved you.
It was that I loved who I was when I was with you.
I wasn't a little sister, a best friend, or the second runner-up.
All I had ever wanted was to make my own path, far from everyone else’s.
&& even after what had happened, I wasn't ready to give that up just yet

I dont care how mad I got at youor how mad you've been at me.
You're still what matters most to me
and I will never be able to give that up.

my eyes have been staring at you, and only you all night

and fall in love.
and break each others hearts
with a tragic goodbye.
then the next time you come,
we can do it all again.

i've been upset all night and you're the only one
who gets it. i know i'm not the greatest person
in the world, and i don't deserve someone as
great as you:; but i love you, my best friend.

but little by little it's getting easier to pretend it`s easier,
which means easier might be right around the corner

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